Harry Bridges Photos

Harry Bridges - Burning Bridges Book

Protesters confronted by police, 1934.

Harry Bridges - Burning Bridges Book

Site of the killed protesters with makeshift memorial. July 1934.

Harry Bridges - Burning Bridges Book

Chinese poetry carved into walls at Angel Island’s detention center, early 20th Century. Copyright 2013 Carol M. Highsmith, www.carolhighsmithamerica.com.

Harry Bridges - Burning Bridges Book

James Landis (right), Dean of Harvard Law School and trial examiner in first trial, 1939.

Harry Bridges - Burning Bridges Book

Maurice Cannalonga, witness from second who testified to FBI intimidation, 1941. Courtesy of ILWU Archives,

Harry Bridges - Burning Bridges Book

Vince Hallinan arguing to the jury, 1950. Courtesy of ILWU Archives.

Harry Bridges - Burning Bridges Book

Justice Frank Murphy, United States Supreme Court, 1940-49.

Harry Bridges discusses labor issues during the Great Strike of 1934.

Frances Perkins, Secretary of Labor. First female Cabinet member in history and heavily involved in the investigations into Harry Bridges. Here she speaks to the Press on June 17, 1937 about labor disputes.

Harry Bridges - Burning Bridges Book

The original telegram issued by the INS warning of the threat of immigrants in the labor battles on the West Coast.

Harry Bridges - Burning Bridges Book

Harper Knowles (left), Representative Dies of the House UnAmerican Activities Commission (center), after Knowles testified, 1930s.

Harry Bridges - Burning Bridges Book

James O’Neil, megalomanic government witness from second trial. The BIA concluded he played Judas as well as Ananias. 1941.

Harry Bridges - Burning Bridges Book

Justice Felix Frankfurter, United States Supreme Court 1939-62, the last foreign-born Supreme Court Justice in American history.